Above: Sen. Dean Kirby of Pearl, left, and Rep. Tom Weathersby of Florence, right, recently presented President Emeritus Dr. Clyde Muse with resolutions from the state Senate and House honoring his years of service to the state of Mississippi.
Thankful, Grateful, Blessed to continue to honor Dr. Clyde Muse Dr. Clyde Muse officially retired as Hinds president on June 30, but his 68 years of service to Mississippi education – including 42 years as college president – have continued to be recognized throughout the state.
We are thankful for his lifetime of service that includes teacher, coach and school superintendent as well as president of Hinds Community College. And his legacy also includes spending countless hours and shoe leather meeting with state leaders about the importance of funding education.
We are also grateful that because of his legacy, he has continued to receive a number of honors over the last few weeks, including the following:
The college Board of Trustees conferred on him the title of President Emeritus.
He was presented with two legislative resolutions, one from the House and one from the Senate, commemorating his many years of service to education and to the state of Mississippi.
He was presented with a Lifetime Achievement award at the Oct. 17 Vice President’s Scholarship and Hall of Honors Gala on the Utica Campus.
And, most recently, he received the inaugural Foundation/Alumni Hall of Fame award on Oct. 29, which going forward will be called the Clyde Muse Foundation/Alumni Hall of Fame Award.

We feel very blessed that we were able to recognize him with the Celebrating the Muse Legacy event on Feb. 20 before the COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of subsequent planned reception to honor him in the spring.
More than 900 people participated in the Celebrating the Muse Legacy event, raising funds for the Muse Legacy Endowment to go toward projects that remain close to Dr. Muse’s heart – providing scholarships to students, many of whom need a second chance; projects for faculty and staff development, and community service projects.
But because of the forced cancellation of the planned events, the $250,000 goal for the Muse Legacy Endowment is about $70,000 short of its goal.
We hope that you will continue to help us honor Dr. Muse by helping us to reach the goal for his endowment.
The Hinds Community College Foundation is still continuing to take gifts. Call the Foundation office at 601-857-3363 or online.
The name of anyone who makes a gift to the Muse Legacy Endowment before Dr. Muse’s 91st birthday on Dec. 25 will be included on a birthday card that will be presented to him.