The emeritus designation is awarded to retired faculty members and non-teaching professionals who have served Hinds Community College with distinction for an extended time. The status recognizes persons who have excelled in a variety of professionally related areas throughout their careers and/or who have made a significant contribution to Hinds Community College.

2022 Emeritus Awards
Pictured left to right: Colleen Hartfield (Vice President Emeritus) and Dr. George Barnes (Vice President Emeritus)
Emeritus Listing
Name | Title | Year |
Jerry Agent | Professor Emeritus of Speech and Theatre | 2006 |
Bobbie Anderson | Dean Emeritus | 2009 |
Billie Banes* | Professor Emeritus of Agriculture | 2008 |
Dr. George Barnes* | Vice President Emeritus | 2022 |
Linda Bath | Professor Emeritus of Business Technology | 2017 |
Anna Cowden Bee* | Professor Emeritus of Dance/Hi Steppers | 2008 |
Dr. Norma Dell Broadway | Professor Emeritus of Business Education and Business Technology | 2011 |
Fred Brooks* | Professor Emeritus of Speech and Theatre | 2009 |
Sue Brooks* | Professor Emeritus of Speech and Theatre | 2010 |
Cheryl Carr | Professor Emeritus of Business Education and Business Technology | 2016 |
Dr. Bobby Cooper | Professor Emeritus of Music/Jubilee Singer Director | 2019 |
JoAnn Cooper | Professor Emeritus of Information Systems Technology | 2014 |
Gloria Coxwell | Dean Emeritus | 2010 |
Rosia Crisler* | Professor Emeritus of English | 2012 |
Bob Dunaway | Professor Emeritus of Art | 2007 |
Dr. Shirley Hopkins-Davis | Dean Emeritus | 2020 |
Dr. David Durham | Dean Emeritus | 2014 |
Dr. Ben Fatherree | Professor Emeritus of History/College Historian | 2019 |
Beverly Fatherree | Professor Emeritus of English | 2019 |
Dr. Bobby Glenn | Professor Emeritus of Veterinary Technology | 2021 |
Jackie Granberry | Vice President Emeritus | 2018 |
Angela Griffin | Dean Emeritus | 2020 |
Lonnie Harper* | Professor Emeritus of Drafting | 2005 |
Colleen Hartfield | Vice President Emeritus | 2022 |
Michael Hataway | Professor Emeritus of Graphic Design | 2005 |
Dr. Linden Haynes | Professor Emeritus of Biology | 2006 |
Dr. Dan Hogan | Vice President Emeritus | 2015 |
Adam Jenkins | Vice President Emeritus | 2007 |
Dr. Mae Cathryne Jackson | Professor Emeritus of Mathematics | 2020 |
Kay Jones | Professor Emeritus of Nursing | 2014 |
Ann Laster | Professor Emeritus of English | 2005 |
Eleanor Long | Professor Emeritus of History | 2016 |
Joe Loviza | Dean Emeritus | 2021 |
Dr. Elizabeth Mahaffey | Dean Emeritus | 2020 |
Dr. Cleon McKnight | Professor Emeritus of Chemistry | 2021 |
Hilda McRaney* | Professor Emeritus of Reading | 2008 |
Dr. Clyde Muse | President Emeritus | 2020 |
Vashti Muse* | Professor Emeritus of Reading | 2007 |
Dr. Mary Etta Naftel | Professor Emeritus of Business Technology | 2006 |
Clifford Nelson* | Director Emeritus of Counseling | 2011 |
Dr. Nell Ann Pickett* | Professor Emeritus of English | 2005 |
Geneva Reeves* | Professor Emeritus of Music | 2010 |
Tom Shepherd | Professor Emeritus of Business Administration | 2006 |
Jimmy C. Smith | Vice President Emeritus | 2012 |
Mary Ann Sones | Dean Emeritus | 2009 |
Rebecca Tustain | Professor Emeritus of Nursing | 2015 |
Jackie Waite | Professor Emeritus of Business Ed/Business Tech | 2021 |