Hinds Community College Foundation

Education is the gift that continues to give for generations. By giving to the Hinds Community College Foundation, you are providing needed assistance to our students through scholarships, to our faculty and staff through our employee recognition programs, and to the communities in which we serve. All gifts to the Foundation are tax-deductible and are needed and appreciated, regardless of size.

Giving to our college is an investment that pays dividends for years to come!

Our Story

Who We Are

Established in 1979, the Foundation seeks to enhance the educational mission of Hinds Community College by providing a means for private sector support and by increasing community awareness of the programs and services offered by the college. The Foundation is a separate tax exempt non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation governed by an executive director and a board of directors made up of 30 community leaders dedicated to advancing the college and its students through private support.

What We Do

The Foundation administers almost 600 funds for student scholarships, faculty and staff development, college organizations, college departments, alumni chapters, and other special projects. These funds are as diverse as the mission of the college and the students we serve. Securing and awarding scholarships is our top priority, which is evident through more than 700 scholarships that are awarded each year to deserving students. The Foundation also administers grants for faculty development and maintains accounts for college entities such as the Hi-Steppers, Art Department, Veterinary Technology, Student Recreation and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

How We Do It

The Foundation depends solely on the support of donors. We are one of the few educational foundations that charge no administration fee to secure, manage, and distribute funds and are proud to say that every dollar given is utilized as designated.

Our greatest need is for unrestricted funds in order to meet the most urgent needs of students, faculty/staff, and the overall college as challenges arise. Unrestricted funds allow the Board of Directors the flexibility to support the college’s most pressing needs as prioritized on an annual basis.

Some of the key projects that are currently supported by unrestricted funds are:

  • 9 annual scholarships named in honor of individuals who have contributed greatly to the college
  • Administering the annual Employee Recognition Program
  • Administrative support (personnel, supplies, travel, annual audit of funds, etc.)
  • Monetary donations to various community organization and worthwhile causes which support key community agencies

Since 1987, the annual Golf Fun Fest has been the largest Foundation sponsored fundraising event for unrestricted funds. This event is held each year at Eagle Ridge Golf Course.

Matthew W. Jones

Vice President of Advancement

I am honored to have the opportunity to lead the Hinds Community College Foundation & Alumni Association, as Executive Director. Thanks to the generous contributions of donors, my career got its start thanks to a scholarship and the Mississippi community college system.

As stewards of an enduring legacy, it is our responsibility to provide avenues of support for our students, faculty & staff, as we strive to ensure Hinds Community College remains the best in Mississippi!

Please consider making a gift today to better the educational experiences of the more than 16,000 Hinds Community College students!

When you’re on campus, please stop by Fountain Hall for a visit or contact me or a member of the Hinds Community College Foundation & Alumni Association staff for assistance at any time.

Go Hinds!

Matthew W. Jones
Vice President of Advancement