School was always a struggle for Mason Warren. Book learning just wasn’t his thing; he was a hands-on kind of guy. So, when it came time to choose a career path, he and his family knew a four-year university education and an office job wasn’t the right one.
Helping Hinds goes beyond normal job duties
Hinds reference librarian and archivist James Kennedy is well known on the Raymond Campus for his eclectic taste in travel, food and music, just to name a few of his passions.
LeFlore receives inspiration from 100 Black Men of Jackson Scholarship
For 19-year-old Alijah LeFlore of Jackson, receiving a scholarship from the 100 Black Men of Jackson Inc. has made all the difference.

Mississippi Jets Scholarship
“Begun in 1991 and held at John Bell Williams Airport since 2004, the event had gathered remote control aircraft flyers from across the nation to enjoy their time with one another and check out the latest in high-tech model aircraft.”

Donnell-Mendrop tournament changes focus
For more than 25 years, an annual golf tournament has benefited a scholarship fund for Hinds Community College students provided through the Warren-Claiborne County Alumni Chapter.

Malcolm and Fredna Cockerham Endowed Scholarship
When Malcolm (1956) and Fredna Cockerham settled into retirement in 2000, they moved to a small farm near Terry and began visiting Malcolm’s alma mater more frequently. “The Cockerham family shares a history with Hinds,” said Malcolm, a 38-year employee of the U.S. Forestry Service. “My parents and two first cousins were students in the early 1930s, and my brother in 1960.”

Joan Ferguson and William Edward Morris Scholarship
Joan Ferguson hadn’t been outside her hometown of New Albany, in northeast Mississippi, when she came to Hinds Junior College in 1939.

Students remain grateful despite reception cancellations
inds students won’t have a chance this fall to say “thank you” in person to the donors of their scholarships. The annual Scholarship Receptions have been canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic that has cancelled many other events. “This is...

Robert & Gwendolyn Strong Endowed Scholarship
inds Community College retirees Robert and Gwendolyn Strong worked a combined 93 years at Hinds Agricultural High School and the Hinds Utica Campus. It’s with that long record of service to the college that they have endowed a scholarship in their...

The Vashti & Clyde Muse Impact Scholarship
he Vashti and Clyde Muse Impact Scholarship has been started by Billy Cox (1981) to recognize the impact that both Dr. and Mrs. Muse made on his life. Vashti Muse was Cox’s fourth grade teacher while Dr. Muse was superintendent of the Starkville...

Drew Hannon Endowed Memorial Scholarship
ard work and dedication marked the life of Drew Hannon (1993) during his days as a student at Hinds and beyond – a fact that still evokes pride in his surviving family. “All of his siblings miss his sense of humor, his friendship, his never-ending...